Fire Information

The Village of Ruidoso’s first concern is always the safety and well-being of residents and visitors. So, we recommend that visitors who are planning a trip to Ruidoso during wildfire season utilize these resources for the latest information on wildfires in the state.

  • Level I Fire Restrictions are in place for the Village of Ruidoso. Stay safe and help us protect our community.

    Lincoln National Forest Moves to 'High' Fire Danger Rating

    February 10, 2025 – Effective immediately, Lincoln National Forest has raised its fire danger rating from “moderate” to “high” due to low moisture levels and forecasted dry conditions. Fires can now start and spread easily, especially in grassy or wooded areas. Visitors are urged to follow fire safety guidelines and ensure campfires are fully extinguished.

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  • There are currently no active wildfires in Ruidoso, NM.

  • While the fire danger in the forest has decreased from “extreme” to “moderate”, the potential for large wildfires remains.

    The public is urged to remain vigilant when they visit the forest. Remember to use any fire source in a cautious manner. Never leave a campfire unattended. When you do leave your campfire, make sure to drown it with water, stir, and feel for any remaining heat.

    Regardless of the change in restrictions and danger level, the potential for a large wildfire remains, and so forest staff urges the public to remain vigilant and use any fire source in a safe and non-destructive manner.

    Remember – fireworks are never permitted on federal land.

  • Call Me Ruidoso is the official emergency alert and notification system for the Village of Ruidoso. This system is used to send alerts to the public and internally to Village employees during emergencies. Sign up for Alerts here.

    For detailed information on fire incidents and emergency operations, follow these trusted sources:

    By staying connected through these channels, you'll have access to the information you need to make safe and informed decisions.



Keep up to date with current fire information.

Additional Fire Information Resources for New Mexico Wildfire Incidents

NM Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management:

  • Fire Resource Hotline 1-800-432-2080 for fire consequence resources or sheltering needs.

NM Roads – Official Road Status for the State of NM (road closures, etc.)

Map of Wildfires in NM (zoom into specific fires)

Lincoln National Forest on Facebook: For updates on forest conditions, closures, and fire management 

National Weather Service Albuquerque on Facebook: Stay updated on weather alerts and forecasts affecting the Ruidoso area by following the