Shopping in Ruidoso
Shop local. Be kind.
Take home a Ruidoso carved bear to sit on your porch. Enhance your wardrobe with the latest styles in western, cowboy fashion or outdoor adventure clothing. Find custom jewelry and art to satisfy every taste and budget. Shop for Southwestern home accessories, rugs, blankets, rustic furniture, or inexpensive vacation souvenirs. There's something for everyone in Ruidoso.
What's a Ruidoso vacation without ice cream and sweets? Satisfy your cravings at these Midtown candy shops for some delicious treats!
Need to know the best places to stock up on outdoor gear for backcountry outings in Ruidoso? Whether you are planning a camping vacation or you’ve forgotten something important, here's where to find everything you need for an outdoor getaway.
From Outerwear and layering to helmets and goggles plus skis, boots, and boards, Ruidoso ski shops have you covered.
Find the best bike shops to explore Ruidoso. Downhill, enduro, cruisers, e-bikes, kids bikes, rentals. Local. Knowledgeable. Complete Offerings. Genuine Service. Meet the bike shops you always wanted.
Buying used goods is cooler than ever, and Ruidoso retailers are right on-trend. Discover all manner of recycled and repurposed goods at these Ruidoso vintage shops and pre-owned retailers.
Nestled in Ruidoso’s downtown, Midtown is the village hub for dining, arts, and shopping. Stroll through Midtown and enjoy a great selection of restaurants, boutiques, galleries, wineries, brewpubs, and live music.
Explore how you can shop small and make an impact on the community. After all, it’s the one-of-a-kind shops, galleries, and eateries that give Ruidoso’s cherished independent businesses their unique flavor.
Ruidoso's diverse cluster of indie Midtown shops offer something for everyone, from outdoor gear to trendy threads. Here’s a quick primer.
Ruidoso New Mexico lays claim to the "Bear Carving Capital of the World." Tour the Village and you'll see chainsaw bear sculptures in all sizes decorating shopfronts and houses. Take one home to sit on your porch.
Enjoy a day of gallery hopping in Ruidoso's Midtown shopping district with this recommended art itinerary.