No Scum Allowed Saloon

Bricks and mortar do not a business make, but if the bricks and mortar of the No Scum Allowed Saloon in White Oaks, NM have a memory then these particular bricks and mortar would have tales to tell. Billy the Kid and Pat Garrett rode the streets of White Oaks back in the late 1800's when White Oaks was a booming gold mining town. Today not much remains of the town that was once the second largest town in New Mexico Territory.

The No Scum Allowed Saloon is the center of not just the coldest beer but of more fun and entertainment of an old fashioned wild west sort than can be found anywhere else in New Mexico. Driving those 9 miles across the railroad tracks from Hwy. 54 to The No Scum is an unforgettable experience

White Oaks Won't Fade Like The Mines

Most people who know about White Oaks these days likely know it for the No Scum Allowed Saloon—and many of them get to it via motorcycle. The 1880 building was first an attorney’s office, then a print shop where one of the town’s early newspapers was published. For several years in the early 1980s, the bar was run on the honor system: Patrons would fetch the key from under a rock, get a drink, leave their money, and lock up.

American Cowboy Magazine named the No Scum Allowed Saloon one of the Top 10 Cowboy Bars in the West. Learn more >


Address: 933 White Oaks Rd., White Oaks, NM 88301 | Hours | Phone: (505) 648-5583 |